Saturday, March 28, 2009


Whatever diet plan you are following, here is some good advice!!!

(The source of this information is not known, but it is tried and tested.)

There is a vital connection between drinking water and fat loss. Incredible as it may seem, water is quite possibly the single, most important factor in losing weight and keeping it off.

Water is possibly the only true "magic potion" for permanent weight loss. It is believed that when we metabolise or "burn" 16 ounces of fat, our body generates 22 ounces of water, which surprisingly must be '

flushed out by drinking water, a minimum of 64 ounces daily. By drinking less than this amount, the body feels threatened, and in self protection, will hang on to every molecule of water in the body, resulting in fluid retention '

and no "weight loss" on the scales. Water can suppress the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolise stored fat. By drinking water and correcting fluid retention, more fat is used as fuel because the liver is free to metabolise fat at top speed.

The kidneys cannot function properly without enough water and when they don't work to capacity, some of their load is dumped on the liver forcing it to metabolise less fat. Remember - Eight glasses or more a day, keeps the extra fat away!

Water helps to wash out by-products of metabolism, prevents accumulation of body (and drug) toxins, helps in maintaining all normal body functions such as temperature control and electrolyte balance, and prevents constipation. Ample water is also important in preventing sagging skin during fat loss.

An overweight person needs more water than a thin person. Larger people have larger metabolic loads. Since we know that water is the key to fat metabolism, drinking water is essential to weight loss and maintaining good health during the stress of dieting. Dieters should keep in mind, that they normally receive a large portion of their daily water needs through their food, which can be seventy-to-ninety percent water.

During dieting, the food intake is reduced and thus, the person is not getting their normal supply of water let alone the extra water they need to flush out the metabolic by-products and this results in a "hidden hunger" in dieters as the body is craving

food, not for its calorie content, but for its water content. The water is especially needed to keep the skin healthy. If the body can't get rid of the by-products from metabolising stored body fat via kidney excretion, the skin is called upon to help excrete these by-products.

People often overlook the role of the skin in excreting toxins. Water is not only a "magic potion" for fat loss, it is a "magic-cosmetic" for the skin.

what you should know Importance of measuring visceral fat ?

Visceral fat usually accumulates around the abdomen or lower part of the body. People with high visceral fat content are to be at higher risk of developing lifestyle related illnesses such as diabetes, high blood cholesterol, etc.

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